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Christmas at The Deason's

Growing up in Elkton I've always known Amy as the quilter of our town. All my friends had t-shirt quilts made by her and I knew her decorating skills were supreme. Her lovely home is on this year's tour and I could not be happier. My knowledge of Amy has only increased over the last year as we have worked together on her brand new website. Once you see her house, you'll want everything in your home quilted by her. She just makes the most beautiful things! You can check her out on her website, If you love black and white Christmas classic's you'll get a long perfectly with Amy. I can't wait for you to see all the beautiful decor at Amy's house on the tour of homes!

Amy's Favorites

Decoration: Quilts and a warm fire, of course!

Tip: Find a magnolia tree and decorate with its branches. Easy and FREE!

Memory: Tony's mom always had a paper mache garland she put on her tree ever since she was a child. We still have it on our tree today. Also, waking up early on Christmas morning and running downstairs to see if Santa had come. My dad taking too long to eat so we all had to wait until he finished eating before we could open our gifts. I always thought he did it on purpose so he could watch us squirm.

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