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Christmas in Kentucky

I have always loved Christmas, the entire season feels so idyllic and beautiful. It's like the rest of the world finally agrees with me and plans something fun every weekend! I just can't help but love it all. I think that is why I called my neighbors and asked them to open their homes to the town. They agreed to share their homes and decorate early and stress over the small details, all in the name of Christmas cheer! I couldn't be more thankful. In respect of those who hate the early decorators, I'm going to tell you just how thankful I am this year. You're welcome.

I am thankful for a town that lives and breathes as a blank canvas for the creativity running through my veins. The people who have jumped on the wagon of my crazy ideas have just blessed me this year.

I am thankful for my church and the people who have sacrificed so much to care for and shepherd me this year. I can't express fully how eternally thankful I am for them. Church has become a thriving place of peace, one where I am at home. A place where I share the same mind with the people who are serving alongside me. God did that- and it was no small feat.

I am thankful for my family and the endurance they have shown to continue to love one another. It's easy to love each other when you're strapped in a carseat and have no choice but to spend time together. It is another story entirely to make time to love and spend time with your family when you're all pulled so many different ways.

I am thankful for such a full and rich year. It has truly been tossed in care and love and served around a table of people I won't soon forget. The craziest thing about it all it that I just showed up for it. I showed up and I was myself and people pulled out chairs and welcomed me. If that has been you this year, thank you. You mean so much to me and those around you.

I am thankful for a home tour that will put us all in the spirit of Christmas. Get your tickets today!

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