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Summer Reading List

The flowers are blooming and summer break is approaching for many young tots. Maybe this summer is your first summer without a reading list or prerequisite paper looming over every glass of lemonade. Maybe you can't remember the last book you read- thats ok too. I don't know everything about reading, I don't pretend to know everything about adulting either, but I do know that the more I read the more my confidence builds. To ensure a strong dose of confidence for you this summer, I've compiled a list of my most recent reads. I don't do heavy, sad, depressing books. I am more of a happy-go-lucky, get up and change the world reader. As an enneagram 7, that shouldn't surprise anyone. So What is the enneagram you ask? Well that's where we'll start.


The Road Back To You, Ian Cron & Suzanne Stabile

If you know nothing about the enneagram or everything about your specific number and desire to know more about the enneagram as a whole, check out Ian Cron's, "The Road Back To You." It is clear, to the point, and makes you want to hug that one person you never understood, (till reading the book of course) with all the compassion you never believed you'd find for them. This book would be great for a book club, every person learns something about themselves and everyone else in the group. Click the photo of the book and it will take you straight to it, you could be reading all about your mother in laws deep problems in less than 2 days!


Welcome To Adulting, Jonathan "JP" Pokluda

If you're interested at all in what it looks like to be an adult and to do it well, "Welcome to Adulting," is the book for you. You need it on your shelf and in your car, because once you read it, every young 20 something will need it too and you'll want to give it to them. This book is the assurance every college graduate needs. Jonathan Pokluda is clear and direct in his interpretation of good adulting, outlining a lot of mistakes that can be avoided and all the others that can be redeemed. This book is the best resource a recent graduate could utilize this summer in preparation for the next season.


The Sacred Enneagram, Christopher L. Heuertz

Once you've finished Ian Cron's enneagram book, take a look at this spiritual blessing. The Sacred Enneagram is an exploration of the enneagram in it's spiritual form, it has helped positioned my heart in a way that allows me to see the blindspots I like to sweep over in my everyday life. Christopher Heurtz is featured on several podcasts and interviews about the enneagram with a sweet and relaxed perspective. This book if great for anyone who wants to learn about themselves, and their enneagram number in light of the gospel. Click the picture of the book to get it in just two days, don't you love Amazon?


Remember God, Annie F. Downs

It may be because of all the things I have in common with her, but Annie F.Downs is just the best. Honest and willing to share so much about her life, she says things we all have needed to hear for a long time. This book recounts a season in her life that wasn't so easy, one where she questioned, "Is God really kind?" a question I have asked myself. This is the perfect book if you need a friend to sit in the hard things with you. Downs gently reminds you everything will be okay and life is hard but it is still a glorious life. This book would be great for any woman who loves Jesus and have big, scary dreams.


Love Does, Bob Goff

The most inexpensive joy you'll find all summer. This book it just shy of $8 and will leave you with a smile. I knew I loved Bob Goff when I read his long list of reasons to have a party or celebrate something. His joy radiates through the pages and brings a smile to any face in any season. Invite some friends over on Tuesday nights, make some sweet tea, and read this book together. It will shock and amaze you and you'll be better for reading it.


If you made it through the book descriptions and you're still not sure which to pick, follow the authors on instagram and skim through their feeds first, then decide if their words will matter to you, (they are all incredible and that may cause more confusion but do it anyway) trust me. These books have really deepened my relationship with Jesus and I am so thankful for them. When you pick one of them up, shoot me a message, I'm happy to be shocked/excited/sad with you about the content in the books. I love life and if I am recommending a book to you it is because it has only made mine better. Happy reading!

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