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I'm Going to Stockholm

I first went on a church planting trip to Spring Hill Tennessee with my youth minister, Mike Cummings, and a motley crew of middle and high schoolers. We spent a week doing outreach events and helping Pastor Lollis’ church launch. It was one of the most memorable mission trips I have been a part of, regardless the damage done by a single golf ball through a front window. I remember going door to door asking the residents of several subdivisions where they went to church, if they had a church home, and then explaining that Refuge Church was just beginning and they were more than welcome to join us. At the beginning of the trip our team was hesitant and by the last day I think we would have knocked on any door in any part of town. There is just something about the process of being faithful that results in a confidence that can only come from Jesus. That was the first time I had ever experienced church planting first hand and I loved it. The entire process was invigorating to me and encouraged me to look for opportunities to serve in the same way down the road.

The summer before my senior year of college I spent six weeks in Brooklyn, NY working with an existing NAMB church plant called Mosaic. The team of college students I lived and served with experienced some of the most harsh realities of living in new york city and some of the great benefits. It was a genuine experience that gave me perspective on life and choosing careers and what it all looks like when you are the one in the driver's seat. Terrifying- that is what it looks like. The Stallard family was so kind to me and led me to bring another group from my own college to work with their church in March of 2017. Hot chocolate on street corners, park events, church gatherings, and several inches of snow marked our time in NYC. It is a trip that burned some transformational truths about Jesus and His relationship with me in my mind forever. I am so thankful for the Stallards.

I have been so blessed to have been afforded several opportunities to serve churches in their first moments of living. It is a special experience, and for a serial entrepreneur like me, it has been a sacred experience every time. The hospitable nature of the church planters I have encountered is something I see the Lord growing in me, and it is where I feel closest to Him. The development of our spiritual gifts is where we feel closest to Jesus and I believe that is because it’s where we are broken down and built back up. I heard a message recently on Moses and the character traits that God had been developing in him for his entire life. When it came time for him to lead and fulfill what God had commanded him to do, he was terrified but also incredibly equipped. Little pieces of who he needed to be and things he needed to do, were sewn into him in his childhood and young adult years. God prepared him from the beginning, just as He is preparing you and me. I can sympathize with Moses, I understand how scary it is to step into the calling of Jesus regardless of all the mishaps along the way. But hey- do it anyway, that’s what I’ve decided.

It seems that these church planting trips have followed me through the years, as I have been given the opportunity to serve yet another church plant in Stockholm, Sweden. Stockholm is one of the most unchurched places in the entire world. They love coffee and ABBA, and enjoy a wide selection of foods that look nothing like what we see in the U.S. They have the chance to experience Jesus through Stockholm Community Church as our team helps them launch in March. We are going to be there from March 20th-March 27th to prepare for their first Sunday and I couldn’t be more grateful. Please begin praying for this church and the people who will come into contact with them for the very first time and my team and our journey there through a 17 hour flight. Each team member is responsible for raising their funds for the trip which costs roughly 2k. If you would consider partnering with me I would be so grateful. My pride wants to believe I can do this all on my own, but I know that is not the case, is it ever? If 100 people give $20 that would fully fund my spot on the trip. I am open to babysit, clean, and organize anything for you and your family. I am so grateful you’ve taken the time to read this far. Thank you for your support, your prayers, and partnering with me in my obedience, I am so excited to see what God will do in Stockholm this spring!



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