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SURPRISE // 70th

There are few people I know who were married at 16, and even fewer with such grace and youth still to this day. She can't be a day over 55. It may be because Marsha won't dare let a grey hair show, it may be because of the magic she's got running through her veins. I've known her as Nene, other's know her as Barbara, and the two gentlemen in the photo above know her as Mama. Regardless the name, I've known her most by the spunk she possesses. My frankness is certainly derived from her, although I haven't mastered the art of saying, "well," when frankness has no place. She's a very special part of my life at 22, her 70-year-young self is present almost each day at the office, (the lady won't retire). Anyways- I am super thankful for a lady like her, to disagree with, and agree with, and to do life alongside. She's one of a kind. She'll never look like she's actually 70, and well, that's just how it's gonna be. Below are some pictures from her surprise party, a total of 52 people showed out just for her. Praying, hoping, wishing, to have near that many when 70 comes for me.

Darrell, Aunt Marsha, Dad, Nene, and Uncle Kenneth.

Nene holding a card she received from Taylor and Thomas. Peep Pepaw's Cane. lol.

Pepaw and Chuck doing what they do best.

Dad & Callie, after a hard week studying and taking the MCAT.

Katie & Ginger after being loved on by pool swimmers.

Lindy and Collin, wishing the summer was longer. Lindy leaves for the Dominican Republic Friday, June 1. She'll be gone until July 10.

Collin with Thomas on his shoulders, playing in the yard.

Thomas & Taylor using the trampoline we all forget to use.

Thomas cheesin' hard for the camera.

Sweet Baby Josie, only a month and a few days old.

*All photos were taken with an iPhone 8+

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