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The power of purposed listening encourages healthy minds.


I've recently journeyed into a few good podcasts from speakers and preachers all over the U.S. Most of these leaders, I will never meet face to face. I thought I'd compile a list of a few good resources for those of you looking for a good listen. It is refreshing to hear new perspectives and learn from Jesus followers globally.

Single, Dating, Engaged, Married. // Breakaway Ministries

If you're looking to learn about dating, singleness, marriage, anything relational, this series is a must. Great focus, biblical teaching, and evaluation is taught in this series. Click the photo above, and it will direct you to the sermon video. All their podcasts are online too, I highly recommend any of their past series.

Inner Circle // Transformation Church

This sermon series is all about accountability, community, and the right place for it in the christian life. If you're looking to see what Jesus says about those you do life with, this is a great sermon series out of Tulsa,OK. Click the photo above and it will direct you to their sermon feed, look for "inner circle" it will be there.

Church Revitalization // 9 Marks

9Marks is a biblically sound resource that aids not only pastors, but church members too! You are a vital part of the health of your church, believe it, be it! these podcasts are encouraging and offer challenging truths. I first listened to one from a church planter in ATL about hospitality. There are several to choose from. Click the photo above to view the list.

Weekly Bible Review // Crazy Love Podcast, Francis Chan

This podcast is great if you're looking for biblical teaching and commentary on pre-read scripture. This is how it works, you read through a certain amount of text and at the end of the week, a podcast is uploaded on the text given with Francis teaching it. A new way to understand scripture and a new form of teaching!

Leadership Podcast // Craig Groeschel

I first learned from Craig Groeschel when I read his book, The Christian Atheist. He is a excellent teacher and man of God. Serious props to how he lives for Jesus in every aspect of life. This podcast is pretty neat if you are a leader, if you're preparing to be a leader, if you sense Jesus pressing upon your heart to lead in any way shape or form. I first started listening after hearing his sermon series from the church he pastors, Life.Church, entitled, "Divine Direction."

The Chat with Priscilla // Priscilla Shirer

Wow, last but certainly not least, this series is actually on you tube, it is pretty simple to find by searching for Priscilla Shirer in general. I love this little life way production. It is very conversational and encouraging because the diverse guests she brings on the show. Priscilla Shirer also has a podcast with a few older episodes and her bible studies are jam-packed with goodness. She is definitely one of the greats.

Well that's what I've got! Please don't misunderstand me when looking through these podcasts, they are the extra learning, the individual resources for life with Jesus. They in no way replace the ministry of a local church. They only add to what the mission of the church currently is; to teach and encourage those who have not come to know Jesus and also those who find him as the truest friend. Praying you are enriched and blessed by the teaching of these men and women.

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