I was flabbergasted when I first heard other college girls talking about "laundry day," as if laundry was a chore done only once a day. I have been shocked to hear some people don't use dryer sheets in their loads of laundry and others simply never iron ANYTHING. If those experiences weren't enough, I also learned the habits of college freshman in the kitchen were less than proficient and wholly self taught.
You see I've been cleaning since my time here on earth began, plates, rooms, little sisters, you name it. I know clean. I know that base boards have a place in the cleaning regimen but toilets matter more. I know dishwashers that sit with clean dishes inside smell after a few hours. I know vacuuming and sweeping is an every other day activity if you also curl your hair each morning before work. The truth about cleaning is that it is not only time consuming but it is necessary for life. There are few things that greet me welcoming peace, but a clean house does the job every time. I used to want the best smelling products and the strongest scented cleaners because for heaven's sake if I spend hours cleaning I want it to smell good. I used to pour dramatic amounts of softener in my laundry AND little beeds of smell-good scents into my washer. I use to mop the floor with my swift cleaning mop like machine.
Not anymore.
This past year I caved and joined the earth lovers. You know them, the ladies who use products like Seventh Generation and Meyers. The moms who put cloth diapers on their babies and wipe their counters down with vinegar. We all know them and we all love them and here I am one of them. But not quite. I found something better. Safe for the earth, but not living with the stinch of white vinegar. Safe for my home, but still tough on messes, safe for my budget, and safe for the thing most close to home, my skin.
Norwex. Yep. If you've heard about it and you don't have any, well maybe you were cemented in your ways, maybe the upfront costs killed any dreams about the clean home Norwex offered. I understand. I was once with you. I mean I cleaned up a little boys urine that had soaked into brand new carpet with the Envirocloth and water but I STILL wasn't sold. After no stain and no smell, I still clung to my chemical based products.
Then comes Ginger, my mini golden doodle puppy. Ginger has lots of messes. Like any mother, when kids (or puppies), come into the picture the game changes. The articles about the antifreeze living in the products in your mop, they matter. You find yourself asking guests to leave their shoes at the door and you feel not one ounce of bad about it. Because #priorities. Well I'm getting a head start and cleaning with only a cloth and water. I've trashed lots of in home cleaners for the bath, kitchen, living, and laundry room. My beauty regimen has changed too. I've got a whole list below if you care to take a peek.
I'm not writing this to convince you to buy what I'm selling, pick up what I'm laying down, or anything of the sort. But for pete's sake wouldn't it be nice to clean without harsh chemicals, and I mean clean killing ALL bacteria. Get rid of your stress and the dent your paper cleaning products take to your bank account each month. If you know anything about me, you know I'm an advocate for things I love. I know there are 86 cookouts in the state of North Carolina alone. I know Panera has chicken and wild rice soup on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I know Jesus is the real deal. I know Norwex cleans everything in my home without harsh chemicals, without dyes and hormone induced products and with the peace of mind that only comes from knowing your home is healthy for you, your pets, your babies, and anyone else you welcome inside.
There are a few products I still use that are listed here that Norwex does not sell.
1. Shampoo
2. Conditioner
Yep. That is it.