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I've recently accepted and understood the simple truth that Jesus is not only in control of all that is, but He does not expect or require us to make any attempts at that same control. I have also come to understand that if the previous sentence is true, I have the freedom to step out in faith, and most importantly, I have the freedom to fail. I am not in control of all outcomes of all situations and it is not my place to be. Trusting in Jesus and His finished work is what I have the ability to do. In relinquishing my control I am free to dive into the desires and true, holy, passions Jesus has given me since birth as well as those that continue to reveal themselves.

I say all of this to lay the foundation for the beginning of my story here in Elkton, Kentucky. If my control were ultimate, if I made all plans for life and my own attempt at godliness, I would never have made an offer on a home in my own quaint hometown. But my control is not ultimate. Over the last several months Jesus has made me ultimately aware of my surroundings and He has broken my heart for the people of this town in a new way. By leading me in the way He has seen fit He has given me a clear vision for the friends I grew up with, the now mothers I graduated high school with, and the church members who first taught me to look to Jesus for all wisdom.

I have been at my very best, out of sorts, in this season of finding a place. Like the guest who arrives late to the party and struggles to find a seat or a conversation to enter, I've been searching. Jesus has been listening. Through a study called "Discerning the Voice of God" by Priscilla Shirer, I have studied the mysterious nature of God and the nature of discovery He possesses. Like the game of "hide-and-seek" Jesus reveals himself to us in sweet interactions knowing where to hide in plain sight almost, so we are guaranteed to find Him. I think that image is so comforting when His voice seems to be silent and hidden.

So.. I took a leap of faith. With a new understanding of Jesus and fresh eyes looking around this sweet town, I decided to buy a house. I decided to push into the freedom to fail and the liberation that comes with knowing Jesus is just as big in small America as He is in the biggest cities and countries of the world. I have decided that what Jesus compels us to see is the opportunity to love people best. Sometimes that is in a big city with billions of people, and sometimes that is in a small cup of coffee with a young mother, in your hometown. In the race to find His best, I am setting my eyes on Him as the goal. I am turning my face toward the creator of this big world knowing that my vendetta is not to make much of me but to make much of him in the hearts of those around me.

So here are a few "how-to's" I've ventured upon through these last few months.

How to find a place of purpose: Open your peepers and run full force toward Jesus. // Get rid of the notion that living your best life is living the life your culture/friends/parents/world mandates. Jesus' guidance is the GPS here, people.

How to find a place of physical property:

1. Call on the grapevine, or call on friends and family who know of homes on the market that aren't officially listed with a realtor. This is a huge money saver for both the seller and the buyer.

2. Get approved by your bank, some would encourage you to shop around, but my situation encouraged me to stay with my home bank.

3. Offer the seller what they would get if the home were listed with a realtor (after the realtor took his or her percent).

4. Get woke when the seller accepts your first offer.

5. Start the closing process.

6. Plan a dinner for friends and family in the empty home after closing.

How to find a place of spiritual peace:

1. Taste and see that the Lord is good, and that rejected by men, He was made the cornerstone of the church.

2. Have an open door to those who have not yet tasted and who have not yet seen that the Lord is good.

"As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in Scripture: “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious,and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.”'

2 Peter 2:4-6

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