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Campbellsville Came to My House

This morning I woke up to an empty kitchen in a quiet home. I made a few items for a breakfast menu. I cleaned the house and prepared for company. The sweet smell of casserole filled the air and the morning news echoed in the background.

Ten minutes after 9:30 people started trickling in one after another with juice, milk, yogurt, pancakes, all sorts of things to contribute to the meal.

Campbellsville came to my house this morning.

I met Meg through a shared friend, she is my dearest companion and I would not be the person I am today without her. I met wade through the Baptist Campus Ministry and I was surprised at how quickly I became friends with him. He's a tall, friendly athlete, not exactly identified with my friend pool from years prior. I met Elise when I first moved into Stapp Hall. There are no words that accurately describe this young lady, she is the most chaotic mix of realness I have ever come into contact with. I met Emily and Taylor at a BCM event, I mostly saw them from afar until my sophomore year of college. How funny that is, considering how close we are now. Taylor is the definition of graceful and Emily defines family with people so unlike herself. Kari has a heart for people. She is independent, and confident with a the dose of humility that everyone needs. Nick loves her so much. She had fire-red hair when I first met her. Hannah is a visionary young woman. I was equal parts terrified and skeptical when I first met her. I cherish her friendship and the ability we have to converse and agree on so many things. Samantha will listen to the heart of any and everyone she meets. She truly loves people and cares for them intently. I have been so blessed by her. Jenna is an encourager, one that has left a lasting impact in my life. I've never met anyone so dedicated to their spiritual gift. David, oh David, there is no one else on this side of eternity like David. He has been a brother to me, a man of God who genuinely cared for me every year of college. Jon has the ability to make me laugh until tears flow quickly from my eyes. He has such a tough shell, I am grateful to have been invited into his life. Landon cares about the people he befriends. He has an old soul and loves The Lord in the mundane and the tough times. Campbellsville came to my house this morning.

These dear friends, they are Campbellsville, KY. When December comes, when caps are tossed and tassels travel these individuals will be CU. On good days, when everything comes together and my closest friends are near to me I am home in Campbellsville. When I am struggling to make it to lunch, with people who care for the hard times and love me regardless, I am home in Campbellsville.

Campbellsville lives in those who I have met here, it thrives in my friendships and finds comfort around my table. As a new season of life is resting on the horizon I am comforted knowing wherever I go, the location is defined not by what's surrounding it, but instead by what I am surrounded by.

This morning I woke up to an empty kitchen in a quiet home. As I grow older and move on, my home will continue to be filled by the cities I live in, and the people I love. Scripture commands it.

"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe[a] came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved." Acts 2:42-47

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